


AIMIA Has Released A Study About Australian Consumers

March 15th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Research & Stats | No Comments »

Research company AIMIA has released a study about the Australian consumers. The document shows a lot of detail in describing the consumer, but we picket out the most interesting details below.

Mobile Phones
– 43% of the consumers owns a phone for over 7 years.
– 35% owns a second phone/sim, and half of those are aged 22-40 and 54% of them are female.
– The size of subscribers is: Telstra 33%, Optus 31%, 3 17% and Vodafone 11%
– 24% would rather switch to another operator
– 50% spend < $ 40, 37% spend $ 41- $ 100 and 13% spend even more on their phone bill
– 47$ of phones are Nokia, Motorola is down at 16% and SonyEricsson at 11%
– 30% of the phones is 3G, up 11% from last year

Mobile Spendings
– 89% spends most on SMS, followed by MMS at 21%. 13% defines buying content and 7% goes to e-mail followed by video calling at 4%
– 24% of respondents say they purchased content in the last 12 months. In other words, most of the respondents are infrequent buyers of content and it is only typically accounted for in the phone bills of approximately 13% of respondents.
– Additional analysis carried out to calculate the average percentage of their phone bill spent an particular services confirmed that there are only a small number of users who purchase a relatively high amount of content.
– 68% defined not to purchase other then SMS and voice services. 26% notes they didn’t receive the expected value of the services purchased. This was caused by not knowing how to use the content, or problems setting it up.
– From the consumers that do use the phone for other means then voice and SMS, 66% do that as they think it is useful and 44% because it is fun.

– 50% learned about mobile content trough the internet, while 39% got that information trough television. 33% discovered content trough advertising by their operator or the operator wap portal.
– 60% of the consumers bought their content via the internet on a PC. 22% via the operator portal and 14% from the phone menu.
– The most purchased content was mobile games at 42% (celebration time!). Second id true tones at 38% and 37% buy polyphonic ringtones (still).

The full report can be downloaded here.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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