


Hands-On: “Go West”

June 4th, 2007 by Anonymous Blogger Posted in Distribution | No Comments »

HandsonHands-On seems to be have learned a lot from the 90’s pop formation Petshop Boys (ehm, does this follow closely to Monty’s last mailing?) as they have closed several deals to bring Korean games to the western mobile gaming market.

First one up for European launch is Heroes Lore: Wind of Soltia and Sushi Mania, with the last one well timed as European consumers seem to get warm feelings for everything Asian.

"South Korea has an extremely enthusiastic, dedicated and passionate gaming community and this has resulted in the most developed mobile phone game market in the world," commented Eric Hobson, EMEA president of Hands-On. "Hands-On Mobile wants to use its global reach to cherry pick the best games and ensure as many people as possible have the chance to experience the exciting cutting edge games that players in Korea enjoy."

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