


I-Play to Deliver Casual N-Gage Games

August 20th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Distribution | No Comments »

IplayI-Play and Nokia announced their plans to deliver a wide range of casual mobile games Nokia’s new N-Gage platform which is launching this fall.

The first two titles from I-Play will be deployed early 2008 and are World Rally Championship Mobile (WRC) and Super Mah Jong, which is a storyline based Mah Jong game. I-Play announced that it will deliver more casual games to the platform over time. I-Play does make us wonder about the following. If a mobile racing game like WRC is called casual, where will they draw the casual line?

"I-play brings a diverse games portfolio to N-Gage, and we’re excited to have them on board," said Gregg Sauter, Director, 3rd Party Publishing, Nokia. "The N-Gage toolset provides the opportunity to deliver new features and richer experiences to consumers through I-play’s strong portfolio of content. We look forward to this cooperation."

David Gosen, CEO, I-play commented: "We’re very excited to be cooperating with Nokia. The awareness that the launch later this fall alone will bring to the consumer and the mobile industry will help propel mobile gaming to the front and centre of entertainment consumed on the mobile."

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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