


I-Play to launch Jewel Quest 2

February 12th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Brand Licensing | 2 Comments »

iWin has released yet another casual mobile game over their successful relationship with I-Play. This time Jewel Quest receives an update. With the release of Jewel Quest 2, iWin hopes to improve over the 40 million downloads that Jewel Quest 1 received (over all platforms we estimate, looking at I-Plays stats at CGA last week). The release of Jewel Quest 2 was simultaneous over mobile, web and other platforms.

"Jewel Quest is our flagship title and we are proud to herald in the next era of causal games with the release of its long-awaited sequel," said CJ Wolf, CEO of iWin. "Our simultaneous launch proves the power of casual games as an entertainment medium, especially when we can partner with Microsoft and I-Play to put our top brand in the hands of a broad audience wherever and whenever they’d like to play it," he said.

    2 Responses to “I-Play to launch Jewel Quest 2”

    1. Larry says:

      Where can i download jewel quest 2 for windows mobile smartphone?

    2. Rasm says:

      Hi Larry,
      Jewel Quest 2 was released about 2 months ago for windows mobile. Check out http://www.handmark.com for the download. It’s way better on WM than on other handsets.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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