


Metaflow Adds PopCap Games to it’s Client List

July 11th, 2007 by Anonymous Blogger Posted in Other news | No Comments »

PopcapgamesWith PopCap games entering the world of mobile game development, the company prepares it’s mobile game delivery infrastructure with the help of Metaflow‘s tools.

“PopCap Games are highly successful on the Web at www.popcap.com and through numerous third party channels. As we directly enter the mobile publishing space across the globe, we need to avoid the traditional cost and complications which publishers experience with content deployment. Metaflow came highly recommended from several major publishing partners and that, coupled with the advanced business intelligence and content deployment capabilities, signalled an ideal fit for PopCap.” said Mark Cochrane, European Business Development Director

“PopCap Games is a world leader in casual games and has already had phenomenal success with mobile versions of their content to date through experienced publishing partners. We are over the moon at working with PopCap during this exciting phase of their direct mobile strategy and delighted that they are benefiting from both the business and technical advantages that Metaflow provides.” said Charles McLeod, Business Development Director at Metaflow.

Previous PopCap mobile games have been published and produced by comapnies like EA Mobile and Glu. After building their own development team in Dublin (first production: Chuzzle) and now setting up the distribution of their mobile games through Metaflow, PopCap seems to be more eager into entering the market directly.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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