


Online Casual Gamers Twice As Likely To Play Mobile Games

October 29th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Research & Stats | 2 Comments »

IplayI-Play held a survey amongst casual gamers and noticed that a massive 45% of them are happy to play their favourite casual games on their mobile phone, making the I-Play acquisition by Oberon Media even better from a strategic point of view.

The survey revealed that 38% of the casual gamers already play games on their mobile phone. The 38% is made up from 22% saying they play games on their mobile phones and 16% that answered to play sometimes on their mobile phone. The 38% is above the industry average of 20.5%. 45% would play their favourite casual games mobile if they had the option.

When asked, 66% of the online casual gamers said they played games on a daily basis. 22% played at least three times a week.

DFC Intelligence forecasted the revenues from subscription based casual games will grow from $ 2 billion in 2005 to $ 6.8 billion by 2011. Informa Telecoms & Media estimates growth from $ 3.4 billion today to more than $ 11 billion by 2011.

David Gosen, President, I-play commented: “The frequency with which online casual gamers play is noteworthy and the fact that this group have twice the propensity to play mobile games as the average mobile user is hugely exciting and positive for the mobile games industry. Further potential is shown by the fact that nearly half of people surveyed would want to play their favorite online game on mobile, providing another positive indication of the cross-pollination opportunities between the two gaming communities. This reinforces our position first company to deliver global, integrated casual-games solutions across the ‘three screens’ of PC, mobile and iTV.”

    2 Responses to “Online Casual Gamers Twice As Likely To Play Mobile Games”

    1. Just a Gamer says:

      Yeah, since I’ve been gaming on consoles a lot I’ve become more interested in Cell Phone Gaming also. http://haloverated.blogspot.com/ is my gaming blog.

    2. Just a Gamer says:

      Yeah, since I’ve been gaming on consoles a lot I’ve become more interested in Cell Phone Gaming also. http://haloverated.blogspot.com/ is my gaming blog.

    Leave a Reply






    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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