


Paul Maglione: high-end 3D, it’s Still a Niche Market

May 24th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Analysis & Editorial | No Comments »

Over at Pocket Gamer, they held an interview with Vivenvi Games
Mobile’s CEO Paul Maglione where they discussed upcoming titles, and
technologies like user generated content.

In the interview, Paul explains we will for sure see more Sierra classics from the 80’s and 90’s coming to the mobile phone to satisfy the ‘Atari Generation’. He explains the good circumstances to use those old PC titles for mobile as back then, PC’s didn’t have much capacity and gaming sessions where also short.

Paul also explains the user generated content area in which Vivendi Mobile Games is entering. He explains there are several projects where consumers can make for example their own puzzles and submit them to the Vivendi staff. The best ones will be selected for update packs or sequels.

On technology, Paul explains that the operators are getting more and stricter, requiring Vivendi Mobile Games to build more and more ports, meaning they have to create versions of games starting at 64KB all the way up to 1MB which means Vivendi now builds 4 or 5 masters to support the porting process. In regards to the Symbian market, Paul seems not to be sure about the potential: “So the biggest [console] brands will have some success as mobile games purely for the curiosity factor. But the people who are really looking to have a high-end 3D experience on mobile? It’s still a niche market, I think.”

Read the full interview at Pocket Gamer.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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