


Astraware Releases Astraware Boardgames

October 10th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in New Releases | No Comments »

AstrawareAstraware goes back to basic as the game developer has released Astraware Boardgames, a collection of 8 of the most played boardgames including Chess and Reversi for the mobile phone.

The collection doesn’t only feature 8 boardgames, but allows customisation in rule sets and difficulty to extend the life of the game. This way the developer hopes not only to attract casual gamers, but also convert boardgame players to mobile gamers.

"We wanted to come up with a range of fun games that everyone knows, and everyone can enjoy playing," said Howard Tomlinson, Astraware‘s CEO. "I love being able to pick up any of the boardgames, know that I stand a chance of winning, and have fun playing. Sorry, Mr. Kasparov, Astraware Boardgames is for regular folks only!"

The game will be available on Windows Mobile and Palm platforms.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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