


IMGA 2007, 40.000 Reasons to Sign Up

July 4th, 2007 by Anonymous Blogger Posted in Game Awards | 3 Comments »

ImgaThe International Mobile Game Awards have started again for the fourth time, offering up to $ 40.000 in prizes for the best and most innovative developers of mobile games world-wide!

Over the past years, IMGA has proven to be a successful awards program for the mobile game development community showing the world interesting concepts like playing virtual tennis using a table and two camera phones. Last year, 400 developers signed up from 42 countries to try and get hold of the biggest prize.

"In 2006 many exciting new connected games and multiplatform games entered the competition. We saw games that were using all the features of mobile phones including microphone, camera, motion sensors and connectivity. We reviewed location based games and 3D games with stunning high quality graphics, and simple, addictive 2D games developed with Flash," said IMGA managing director Maarten Noyons. "This year we are expecting to see innovations and improvements in all these areas. In October we will bring you the 25 nominated games that represent the cutting edge of mobile entertainment worldwide."

If you like to enter your game, please keep in mind it has to be an unpublished title. Even concepts are welcome in the first stage. You can enter the awards anytime form today until September 24th 6PM CET. By the end of October, a number of games/concepts will be shortlisted for the awards that will be held on February 13th at 3GSM in Barcelona. For those shortlisted, the deadline for having ready a demo version of the game is January 28th.

The following prizes will be available this year to the developers;

The 2007 International Mobile Gaming Grand Prix – $15,000 US
The 2007 International Mobile Gaming Excellence in 3D Award – $5,000 US
The 2007 International Mobile Gaming Excellence in Connectivity Award – $5,000 US
The 2007 International Mobile Gaming Excellence in Gameplay Award $5,000 US
The 2007 International Mobile Gaming Best Licensed IP Game Award – $5,000 US
The 2007 International Mobile Gaming Best Casual Game Award (developed in Flash, Java, etc.) – $5,000 US

Additional prizes will be announced soon. You can enter your game here!

Grand Prix winner Oscar van Deventer of TNO in the Netherlands commented: “Winning the 2006 IMGA Grand Prix and the Innovation Award is now helping us to establish the partnerships that will take Triangler a step further. The price is opening a lot of doors and we are in the process of negotiating a major development and publishing agreement. So anybody with the next bright concept for a mobile game: send it in, you have everything to win and nothing to lose!”

“Winning the Best Use of Connectivity award was one of the best things that happened to Anino Mobile. Not only did we get a new test phone and a cool $5k to line our pockets, but we were also able to get noticed by a number of publishers and sign several high-profile deals,” Said Paul Gadi of Annino Mobile in the Philippines.

Grzegorz Trubilowicz of Iks Mobile, winner of the Flash Lite Award said: “We had just started creating mobile games for a couple of months before the competition. Thanks to the award we got more motivated and well known around the world. Money, prestige and a lot of buzz around IKS Mobile, interviews in the press and on TV – what else do you need?! ;-)”

    3 Responses to “IMGA 2007, 40.000 Reasons to Sign Up”

    1. games says:

      I think that there should be more often international gaming competitions for mobile games!

    2. shank says:

      The mobile games is very interesting.now days youth and kids are very liked mobile games.
      Sreevysh corp

    3. Satya says:

      Really good article. I have been following your blog for last 3 months. You have good knowledge
      on Mobile(cell phone) Industry and happenings. Please continue the good work. Thank you.

    Leave a Reply






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