


Movaya Opens Storefront Services For Mobile Games

March 21st, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Distribution | 1 Comment »

Our friends over at QB pointed us to Movaya, a service that allows any
website owner to sell mobile games. Movaya’s PlugNplay (as they call
their platform) has already got 50 content providers signed up.

The webmasters whom use this mobile gaming service can choose to show all or just single games on their websites. Movaya however enters a territory with fierce competition from Dutch companies MobileMoney, Ringtonio and the French Mediaplazza operating in the same field for many years.

“Until now, selling mobile games directly to consumers via a website was difficult and expensive” says Movaya CEO Phil Yerkes. “PlugNPlay eliminates the need for any online retailer to spend thousands of dollars and months of time to build this type of website offering. Our PlugNPlay service it is a quick, easy and low cost solution for anyone wanting to sell mobile video games.”

    One Response to “Movaya Opens Storefront Services For Mobile Games”

    1. Thanks for that Arjan, I attempted signup as a content provider yesterday and am currently talking with them today onwards.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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