


Starwave Mobile Releases Beyonc

January 18th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in New Releases | 1 Comment »

StarwavemobileIt has been a long time since we seen an international music star being locked up in a mobile game. Now, Beyonc

    One Response to “Starwave Mobile Releases Beyonc”

    1. Retype says:

      originally sent to: MODOJO
      “we know handhelds”
      About TEN YEARS ago a friend and I were watching the Superbowl. I Can’t even remember who was playing but the superbowl is famous for good ads.
      Doritos had this ad with a really hot woman walking into a laundromat and emptying a bag of Doritos into the dryer. She was definitely hot and I was curious who she was. I had heard a lot of complaints from some people that I knew that the Internet wasn’t so great.
      This was the day that sealed it for me as being something that nothing else could compare to. I went to a search engine and typed in “superbowl doritos commercial” and within thirty seconds knew that her name was Ali Landry.
      If I had called Frito-Lay, makers of Doritos (which would not have been possible because they would have been closed on Sunday) I may never have gotten through to someone that knew the answer. I can just imagine the switchboard operator telling me they don’t make commercials…they make potato chips and that she didn’t know who to connect me to. Well ever since then getting info on something has gotten easier and easier
      UNTIL TODAY!!!
      Boostmobile has sold me a really fantastic little game called Super Gadgets by Starwave Mobile. It is kind of beyond my imagination that I can’t find any info on this game (I am stuck on the “Hurt Him” level and can’t get past it) … so although I have been enjoying it, now it is turning into a source of aggravation and frustration. I cannot even find a listing of it at your website or even the company that made it!
      If you know handhelds how come this game which is made by subsidiary of no less than the Walt Disney Internet Group (WDIG) you know, the mouse that slowly devours the planet, isn’t something that is listed by you or at least someone?

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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