


Vodafone’s 3G launch reaches for mobile gaming’s holy grail

November 18th, 2004 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Companies & M&A, Games, Trends | No Comments »

Games czar Tim Harrison takes us behind the scenes of his company’s 3G launch in Europe.

As the world’s largest mobile carrier, Vodafone’s capacity for making dramatic statements and sweeping business maneuvers is now more expected than it is surprising. The multinational’s aggressive partnering strategy has allowed it to push into markets from Kuwait and Japan to Malta, propagating forward-thinking mobile services like Vodafone live! and pay-as-you-go plans wherever the red teardrop has spread.

Now that it has expanded into a sizable percentage of the world’s arable land mass, Vodafone’s aiming its next quantum leap in a different direction: boosting marginal revenue and encouraging new subscriptions with next-generation mobile data services. Vodafone live! with 3G, which Vodafone unveiled last week in 13 countries in Europe and Asia, features a set of capabilities that will have almost any mobile consumer drooling–or so the company hopes. More …

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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